Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Tim & Kan Wedding

I had the pleasure of shooting Tim and kan's wedding a couple of weekends ago at Birchwood golf club..

They previously got married in Japan without Tim's family, So they decided to come over to England to be with their family and friends and do it again!

It had been raining none stop for about 2 weeks but thankfully the sun came out for the first time in a while, The vicar said to me that in 8 years of doing weddings, he's never sent a bride out in the rain, which i thought was pretty amazing!

Towards the end of the day Kan change into a colourful Kimono which was the first time that i have seen one up-close.

Here's some pictures from the day:

Tim and Kan Wedding - Birchwood Golf Club-366
Tim and Kan Wedding - Birchwood Golf Club-306
Tim and Kan Wedding - Birchwood Golf Club-276
Tim and Kan Wedding - Birchwood Golf Club-235
Tim and Kan Wedding - Birchwood Golf Club-335
Tim and Kan Wedding - Birchwood Golf Club-278
Tim and Kan Wedding - Birchwood Golf Club-116
Tim and Kan Wedding - Birchwood Golf Club-163
Tim and Kan Wedding - Birchwood Golf Club-357
Tim and Kan Wedding - Birchwood Golf Club-367
Tim and Kan Wedding - Birchwood Golf Club-406
Tim and Kan Wedding - Birchwood Golf Club-431

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